Fear of the Lord sounds probably a little bit strange if you hear this word. A most in our west culture. We hear so much from God’s grace, his love … But as I started to read the Old Testament I saw really how powerful God punish his people because he is holly and he will holly people. But trough his grace he saves his people always.
What is fear of the Lord exactly?
I personaly like the image form the double edged sword.

God gave us the free will that means we can do what we want. (Everything is permissible but not everything is beneficial 1.Corintians 6:12). But we have the responsibility for what we are doing. For example: David, a man of God’s heart slept with the Bathsheba and killed his husband, but after Nathan said that he is a murder he repented and prayed for forgiveness and God forgiven him but the son from Bathsheba have to die. We have the responsibility for what we do. Because of that it’s very important that we know how Jesus looks.
There are two different views. You can say it’s all good, Jesus paid for my sin and I can continue my sin because of Jesus. But he will not have favor with you because you don’t try to do what he had commanded. The other way is you can repent your sin, you can pray for forgiveness and he will continue to bless you because you have repent and you try to do his will. It’s your choose if you get blessing or course. We can choose what you want whit your fee will James 2.12-13.
The true love is the love “Agape”. This is Greek and means a love who is not based on feeling or circumstance (kindness, faithfulness to conferment. It is a willing love, a love that I have to choose also if I don’t feel like. This I think is very important because we have so a lot of different feelings, sometimes good day and bad times… so we have to focus at anything. This is not only helpful with the love of God also with the love of friends, relationship, marriage …
In the Greek vocabulary you have tow different words for fear
• Pobes: Really fear, guard fear (used in the positive Way)
• Delias Negative, timidity cowardice ( chicken)
God wants us that we have the Pobes, the useful way in the fear of him. God don’t want us make afraid from him, he will lead us, he will respect form us that we do what he says (the same the parents says at the child do not hold you hand at this hot plate because you can burn you it’s the same with God.
Our conscience is or alarm system God speak a lot of what we not should do. What is not in Gods will but our conscience can’t recognize if we a few times ignore it. For excampel if we do anything agnist or conscience we fell bad. The second time it fells less band…

Saul was so focused on the people he had fear of man, he want to be the best, strongest. 1. Sam 15.13 describes how Saul acted against the Lords commandant. He took the best animal back after the battle but God said him he has to kill all animals. So he came into this circle. The biggest enemies were the people they loved him and want to help him but his anger got stronger and stronger against Samuel the prophet he want to help him and say him God will and wept for Saul’s deeds. David, who fought for him and wan a lot of battles and he served him. Also Jonathan his own son.
dude your bog is like a serman! haha its sick man keep putting the effort in Gods gona tach you soo much! get prayer week up already!!!