I was very excited for this week because it’s a order for everyone to go into the world and preach the Gospel. What does this word evangelism mean?
Evangelism ->to preach or bring the good news (Gospel) whit focus on the content.
In the New Testament it’s always refer to the death, burrier, resurrection and witnesses about Jesus Christ, including the implication for the mankind’s relationship with God.
Why should we Go an preach the Gospel? Why is it a commandant? It’s because God loves every person in the world, he loves not one person more or less. No matter if he is good or bad. And he wane live with every person a eternal live in heaven. But God is holly, God hates the sin and a sinful man can not enter in the heaven an this is the reason for this commandants.
There is a spiritual gift for evangelism but everyone is called to preach the Gospel. And sometime I think why I, I have too much fear of man, I can’t do this but the “great” apostle Paul had this fear too.1.Corinthians 2.1-4 sais: I came to you in weakness and fear, and with much trembling. This gives me motivation to see I’m not the only one who have this fears, no there is are apostles they gave their live for Jesus but they had also fears.
This verses say also that he didn’t came with eloquence or superior wisdom, he want only tell about Jesus Christ. For me is this also a encouragement because you don’t have to be supper wise, you can tell the good news after you became a Christian. No matter if you know a lot about Jesus or not.
We don’t need this knowledge because God will speak through us. 2.Korinter 7 sais: Everyone will see that the awesome strength comes from God and not from us, this means that God will show his power trough us, that he will speak trough us and that he will help us. This is a awesome promises so if we trust God then he will help us.
The first step we have to do if we go out, is to make a step in faith, this is one of the hardest things. It’s like you make a step in the darkness and we can’t see the ground. We have to trust god that he will speak through us, he will help you. It’s easier as you think. Do it relaxt, do it not under pressure because this is a bad feeling to say I have to but don’t say I can’t do it. God give us so many opportunities, he gave us friends they don’t know God, hobbies whit non Christian people… We have a crazy God and with him we can do crazy thing. Be Creative, and pray about it, were and how you can be a evangelist, our God is the creator form all the creativity. We can everywhere preach the Gospel.
Share your testimony if you make evangelistic, because it’s a really powerful thing (Ref 12.11). Because this personally experience you had and no one can say this didn’t happen or anything like this. This is what you share with the guys they are don’t believe in God and it’s very personally.
Do not be afraid if anyone not wants to hear god or refuse it, you don’t know what’s happening whit this person because most the time they don’t become a Christian if you preach the Gospel once, it’s a process like this graphic.

You can also try to explain the Evidence of God.
I. Creation is the Glory of God. (Rom 1.20) is the whole eart create be chance?
Everything can survive. Fruit to eat, Beard, People, is this made be chance?
II. Nature of mankind. Ecc 3.11. ¾ of man know there is more (religion). We can’t explain the creation (DNA) We are live eternal.
III. The Bible code. It’s a messing Book. There were 66 different writers and the message always the same. Prophesy about Jesus before he came.
IV. Jesus. He was a mean of miracule Matt 11. 1-7 John 14. 9-11. Why would 9 from the 12 apostle give their live? For noting of course not.
V. Signs, Wonders and Miracle. Some people have dream and visions about Jesus and come so to Jesus.
For me are this things also really important before you go to do anything and also while you do it remember at this things:
• Beeing led of the spirit
• Evangelism-> God will give you his Spirit, because you will make a step in fate
• Spiritual Warfare-> the enemy will come to destroy, to bring you to fall (Nehemiah 6.1-9 & 16)
• Pray for: Wisdom, Strength, Spiritual words, Holy Spirit, Blessing, Unity, Gods working in persons
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