Samstag, 20. März 2010
Kingdom of Heaven
Jesus came not to establish the church. He never talked about to build the church (The Kingdom of God is not the Church).
He saith unto them, But whom say ye that I am?
And Simon Peter answered and said, Thou art the Christ, the Son of the living God… (Matthew 16:15-16). Upon this I will establish my church (upon this confession, this decision in Matthew 17-19). He wasn’t talking about the church how we know. God lived in the Old Testament, and he brought nothing news for the Jewish.
One of the German Bible sais not church but meeting (“on this rock I will build my meeting”). It shows me a very different view from the church.
Jesus came and establish the Kingdom very different, as the Jews thought, they taught physically (Roman Empire getting destroyed, restore the temple…) but God fulfilled it in a way they didn’t expect it, they thought the Kingdom of God will come (like before the they had earthly kings), with force.
Jesus said if my kingdom come everything else has to go. So God wants to be the important thing and not the only the result, (ex. Christianity is a part of Switzerland, that doesn’t work, that means he is only a result).
God’s Kingdom is spiritually.
Matt 4.17: the very first thing that Jesus said: Repent: for the kingdom of heaven is at hand (or is here). Truly repentant is not only to say sorry. It’s really to say Stop doing my way and say I start do you way.
Jesus not he is your personal saver (belongs to me) what we often think, he is the king above all things, but we think a lot this is my personal money, personal stuff and I can use I want. But is this really or things, why we got this? Do we think we are better than the poor form the 3 world county…? He is THE KING and he gave us all this wealth, it belongs to him and he want that we use this for his kingdom.
What does Jesus mean with evangelize? How did it Jesus? He did it with healing the sick, brought food to the hungry; he looked for the in Global need and got engage.
Are we engaged? Or is for us enough when we only to believe? Do we think we are saved with only to belief or do we get engaged with the world? We get engaged with every paper we pick from the floor, every good word we say to a depressed…, if we looked for the need from there we live and try to do anything.
What must I do to come to heave?
Love God and love your neighbor! That is not passive, that means we got a do something for our neighbor. Because we love anyone we are happy to make him Glad. (Luke 3:10) and everyone is our neighbor also people in the poor countries. What must we do?
What is the main massage in the Church? Is it how to go to heaven? Focused and the afterlife? We should be focused about Jesus, but we have forgotten the message from God. Why didn’t he talk a lot form the afterlife? Because he was focused on this earth and not on our salvation! For him is more important to build the kingdom here on the earth. Follower of message, act like Jesus.
The Churches is moving away from the original message and get more and more focused on it what is good for me. Stop focused on yourself it is all about me! We ask a lot in our prayer God what’s your plan for me (self focused), but God ask what’s your (my) will for my your Kingdom. What will you do for me?
How we express our faith? How much money, power, recourse is investigated in our church. Our church should be involved in public work so much money stay in the church, what are we doing with this money? 2% of the money from the church of America goes out in a other country, but what are we doing with the money? Do we build Temples for God…? Is God glad at a building? He gave us the commandant love God and love people, should we not infest this money to help others?
God’s kingdom is new, we can’t it apply with our kingdom! It going challenge to the core (how we watch the world, how we think, how we act…)
Sometimes we think we have the ticked to heaven, whatever…I live my life, I sit back. This ticked is not so sure when we think like this.
How much attention we pay to Jesus, he is the significant person in the bible but why we pay so less attention? Because it will challenge us!
Sometime we think evangelism is into the little box of church; but Jesus did it in the world he had no Church. Or sometime we think the bible is the rulebook of live, manual for live…when the bible is this, it it’s rubbish.
The bible is not what we should think, it is how we should think. We like to say this and this is in the bible and this and this is wrong, so we can judge people about this. But this is not the meaning from the bible, God gave us the bible to study and think about what is in and not only this is in the bible and this not.
How we would live differently if we would die tomorrow? Or we had all recourse in the world, what would be our goal in 20 years? Let’s get started…we have God (all the recourse). But we search our easy live, comfortable…
James 1+2 engage with God. If you do make works you have no faith. Why we ask what do you believe? The people should see what we believe…
People are not listen what we say… They listen what they see in us.
We should live with the hope we can see jutes, that we can make a different, he came to all the creation, the whole creation wart for resurrection.
Eph.2 8-10: We are saved for good work.
Luke 2:7… if you not produce fruit you will be cut down (sharing, food, justice).
This makes people think to say maybe this is the “messiah”, change your live to engage. We are looking for all the spiritual stuff. But he was very practical (bring food to the poor, help each other)
Freitag, 19. März 2010
Psalm 39 7-12. We have always a relationship with God, no matter how lonely we are. We are made for relationship with God and other people . Marriage is only one form from relationship.
And God said; Let us make man in our image, after our likeness… (Gen. 1:26), For me mean this not that we look like God, I think God maid our personality like him. I think God want to talk with him like we want to talk to other persons. He have the desire to have a intimacy relationship with us like we want a good relationship with a good friend.
We are invited in a perfect relationship with God, “and from henceforth ye know him, and have seen him.” John 14.7. We know God trough the death of Christ and trough the Holy Spirit. If we know God we can also have a relationship with him.
Jeremiah called God Father and Friend of his youth Jeremiah 3:4
Relationship with others
Genesis 2:18; 18 And the LORD God said, It is not good that the man should be alone; I will make him an help meet for him.
God created Perfect relationship in the Garden of Eden, there was no sin, and they were naked and not ashamed.
Everyone needs friends. It but what kind of friendships we have is very important, because Friends will change us.
Who are you as a: (Friend, Boyfriend man/woman-friend)?
I’m a Christian. Look who Christ sees you! Because they will see you from a view you want to be. It’s cool to have a lot of non-Christian friend but they will give you’re a non-Christian view-
Bad company corrupts good character, 1: Cor. 15.33 describe it with other words.
You Are who You Meet (with).
If you want to get transformed you need people around you. You are complete in Christ and not if we have a wife. We need each other to grow!
Each people need a S.W.A.T. Team (very close friend). You need people you can go deep with. Proverbs 18:24
Step of Relationship

You should to go through every step for a healthy and a good sexual Intimacy. Do not have expectation for the next level before you are the right level because it is so much easier to hurt anyone.
It’s important that you take this step because there is a lot of damage.
Romance and Marriage
The desires to glorify God
Therefore shall a man leave his father and his mother, and shall cleave unto his wife: and they shall be one flesh.
Prov. 18:22
Marriage is one of the most important decision.
It’s a Covenant!
A Covenant is Mutual understanding between 2 parties becoming one fortune, prosperity, dept and responsibility
It was legalese being and sealed with the shedding of blood and oath
To the time of the Old Testament was a covenant very serious stuff. Who had a problem with the one had also a problem with the other, my camel were his camel.

Connect your taught, what’s the Goal of your live and what’s the way. What I want to do with my live? And is there a way to go? E.g. would I marry a non-Christian girl? What have we together…No because I want to follow God and do his will, she cold have not good influents
Psalm 39 7-12. We have always a relationship with God, no matter how lonely we are. We are made for relationship with God and other people . Marriage is only one form from relationship.
And God said; Let us make man in our image, after our likeness… (Gen. 1:26), For me mean this not that we look like God, I think God maid our personality like him. I think God want to talk with him like we want to talk to other persons. He have the desire to have a intimacy relationship with us like we want a good relationship with a good friend.
We are invited in a perfect relationship with God, "and from henceforth ye know him, and have seen him." John 14.7. We know God trough the death of Christ and trough the Holy Spirit. If we know God we can also have a relationship with him.
Jeremiah called God Father and Friend of his youth Jeremiah 3:4
Relationship with others
Genesis 2:18; 18 And the LORD God said, It is not good that the man should be alone; I will make him an help meet for him.
God created Perfect relationship in the Garden of Eden, there was no sin, and they were naked and not ashamed.
Everyone needs friends. It but what kind of friendships we have is very important, because Friends will change us.
Who are you as a: (Friend, Boyfriend man/woman-friend)?
I'm a Christian. Look who Christ sees you! Because they will see you from a view you want to be. It's cool to have a lot of non-Christian friend but they will give you're a non-Christian view-
Bad company corrupts good character, 1: Cor. 15.33 describe it with other words.
You Are who You Meet (with).
If you want to get transformed you need people around you. You are complete in Christ and not if we have a wife. We need each other to grow!
Each people need a S.W.A.T. Team (very close friend). You need people you can go deep with. Proverbs 18:24
Step of Relationship
You should to go through every step for a healthy and a good sexual Intimacy. Do not have expectation for the next level before you are the right level because it is so much easier to hurt anyone.
It's important that you take this step because there is a lot of damage.
Romance and Marriage
The desires to glorify God
Therefore shall a man leave his father and his mother, and shall cleave unto his wife: and they shall be one flesh.
Prov. 18:22
Marriage is one of the most important decision.
It's a Covenant!
A Covenant is Mutual understanding between 2 parties becoming one fortune, prosperity, dept and responsibility
It was legalese being and sealed with the shedding of blood and oath
To the time of the Old Testament was a covenant very serious stuff. Who had a problem with the one had also a problem with the other, my camel were his camel.
Connect your taught, what's the Goal of your live and what's the way. What I want to do with my live? And is there a way to go? E.g. would I marry a non-Christian girl? What have we together…No because I want to follow God and do his will, she cold have not good influents
Donnerstag, 4. März 2010
If we look some different from Christianity we can find two typ es of different Christianity. There is the Bible lead groub and the “Holy Spirit “ leaded typ. A extreme example is: the Bible leaded search the answer always in the scripture and do not listen to the Holy Spirit and the Holy Spirit leaded will only listen to the Holy Spirit. I don’t know if you find this extreme example but I could imagine that you find the Bible leaded typ. I’m sure you need the Bible and the Holy Spirit. Because the bible is God’s word for us, there he tell us how he wants us to live. But we need also the Holly Spirit to have a personally relationship with God.
Why should we study the bible, it is a lot easier only to read and do what is written?
• Get to know how God really is and how he does things.
• Who the enemy is an how he does things
• The conquests of sin
• Who we are in Christ
• The promises of reconciles of God
And God wants not that we study because we have to… We should do it out of love to him, like in a relationship, we want to get to know him and not we have to know him.
You can take to three steps to study:
1. Observation
2. Interpretation
3. Application
Observation is looking was the text means, looking who has the text written, what about is the text, what is the background, culture, emotion…
Important is also that you have the context form that what you study. Then you can be like a detective looking for everything what the verse/passage/book says. The background is a very important thing (woman at well, she was sinner, Samarian an was one of the badest woman of the world in the eyes of the Pharisee). From this perspective it looks very different as we would say she was a good woman.
Interpretation looks like what mean the text to me, it is written to the original reader (all the letters). But it is written for us, we can use the bible. Interpretation means also to understand how the people taught, the writers viewpoint, what they did or not did What this meant in her couture, political, social live. Observation is a most to ask why.
Application is the Goal from the biblestudy. It’s how I can apply the stuff you study in my live and can understand God more an more James 7: 22-25
Sometimes it’s very good to have a study bible or commentaries, this are helps for Observation and Interpretation, but this is also made be man’s and sometimes they are different.
What are the tree steps of Bible study?
1. Observation
2. Interpretation
3. Application
How wll you study the bible differently now?
Looking more at couture, and the situation of the people, search the tressure and not only reading the bible
Why is the background of a book important for studying?
Because it can make the whole story differently if you see it form another perspective.