Psalm 39 7-12. We have always a relationship with God, no matter how lonely we are. We are made for relationship with God and other people . Marriage is only one form from relationship.
And God said; Let us make man in our image, after our likeness… (Gen. 1:26), For me mean this not that we look like God, I think God maid our personality like him. I think God want to talk with him like we want to talk to other persons. He have the desire to have a intimacy relationship with us like we want a good relationship with a good friend.
We are invited in a perfect relationship with God, “and from henceforth ye know him, and have seen him.” John 14.7. We know God trough the death of Christ and trough the Holy Spirit. If we know God we can also have a relationship with him.
Jeremiah called God Father and Friend of his youth Jeremiah 3:4
Relationship with others
Genesis 2:18; 18 And the LORD God said, It is not good that the man should be alone; I will make him an help meet for him.
God created Perfect relationship in the Garden of Eden, there was no sin, and they were naked and not ashamed.
Everyone needs friends. It but what kind of friendships we have is very important, because Friends will change us.
Who are you as a: (Friend, Boyfriend man/woman-friend)?
I’m a Christian. Look who Christ sees you! Because they will see you from a view you want to be. It’s cool to have a lot of non-Christian friend but they will give you’re a non-Christian view-
Bad company corrupts good character, 1: Cor. 15.33 describe it with other words.
You Are who You Meet (with).
If you want to get transformed you need people around you. You are complete in Christ and not if we have a wife. We need each other to grow!
Each people need a S.W.A.T. Team (very close friend). You need people you can go deep with. Proverbs 18:24
Step of Relationship

You should to go through every step for a healthy and a good sexual Intimacy. Do not have expectation for the next level before you are the right level because it is so much easier to hurt anyone.
It’s important that you take this step because there is a lot of damage.
Romance and Marriage
The desires to glorify God
Therefore shall a man leave his father and his mother, and shall cleave unto his wife: and they shall be one flesh.
Prov. 18:22
Marriage is one of the most important decision.
It’s a Covenant!
A Covenant is Mutual understanding between 2 parties becoming one fortune, prosperity, dept and responsibility
It was legalese being and sealed with the shedding of blood and oath
To the time of the Old Testament was a covenant very serious stuff. Who had a problem with the one had also a problem with the other, my camel were his camel.

Connect your taught, what’s the Goal of your live and what’s the way. What I want to do with my live? And is there a way to go? E.g. would I marry a non-Christian girl? What have we together…No because I want to follow God and do his will, she cold have not good influents
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